tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2013

Happy New Year!

Soo, I will see you guys next year!

Happy New Year!

Last year I was at Netherlands and this year I will go to Kuopio :D I will spend the new years with new people and my brother.
We will eat good and blow some fireworks. And then we will go outside to clubs, yay!

Man, its finally snowing here in Finland, I will post some pictures when I move my butt ouside. :D There was no snow for whole Christmas which sucked balls.

Anyways, I see you guys next year :D

sunnuntai 29. joulukuuta 2013

Almost new year!

So hey, I havent write here for while, because idk.
Well I came back to Finland from Netherlands, and tried to find a job but still nothing. :D

I broke up with my boyfriend and now I'm single. We would have 2 years 1.1.14. But life goes on. New things are coming to me.

Okay so Christmas was nice, we went to eat my dads work place for last time because he retire next year. So early hes only around 50ish.

Our Christmas tree, it's still there :D
The lovely ham we ate, there is still small piece left from it. It was really good. Omnom

Saturday I was at my friends house we went to sauna and played some drinking games, then we left to city to some clubs. We had fun.
The drinking game.

Tomorrow is going to be awesome, I will drive with my brother to city called Kuopio.
We are going to spend new years with my friend Karo and her friends.
I hope next year I will write this blog more often, in English and Finnish. I prefer English I don't know why, but some people can't read it.

It just feels like me if I write in English.
I woke up today at 6am, it's now almost 10am. D:

Hope I see some comments someday, cause the blog is stupid if nobody reads it.


maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2013


Well I came back to Finland, I don't know if it was a good idea, I feel like getting into depressed again. Or this is some weird feeling, which makes me cry and think nobody need me, sometimes I wish I would get so sick, I would just lay in my bed and wait some dark cloth  demon come to pick me up, something wrong with me? Should I go see somebody? I cannot think this myself, I'm stuck on these weird minds. They don't go away.
tiistai 3. syyskuuta 2013


I'm sitting inside of this airplane, flying forwards Stockholm then waiting 14 hours to fly to Helsinki, so much fun. I want to sleep.
maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2013


Haettiin Timi äsken sairaalasta, eilen meni sinne ja sit illalla sillä oli umpisuolen leikkaus, kaikki meni hyvin nyt vaan kotia nauttii viel viimeisiä päiviä kahdestaan vaikkei mitään oikeen voida tehdä. :( sinne meni suunnitelmat sunnuntailta ja huomenna ois suuntana Finland. Eka lennän Tukholmaan siellä venaan 14 tuntia, sit kohti Helsinkiä. Semmoista. Heihei
tiistai 20. elokuuta 2013


Nyt kyl menee hermot taas. Heti ku yhden päivän viettää silleen rennosti nii tulee heti sanomista, siis oikeesti mä en ymmärrä. Tiiän et oon hieman laiska. Jos en tee mitään nii kyl vois itekki tulla sanomaan ku olla hiljaa. En mä aina kaikkee ite osaa. Tuntuu et sori et oon olemassa fiilis. Et voin mä lähtee vaikka heti Suomeen jos oon niin vaikee ihminen. En mä vaan jaksa enään, alkaa tuntuu vaa niin pahalta olla tääl. Tuun Suomeen yritän johki töihin ja kouluun nii ei sit tarvii musta huolehtia. Jumalauta oikeesti. On täällä kivaa siihen asti ku aletaan oikeen pakottaa et tee tota ja tuota. Sori jos tästä mitään selvää saa. :( ahdistaa, unia.
torstai 15. elokuuta 2013

Joopa joo

Täytyy tässä miettiä mitä teen. Ei jaksa enään mulle kans suututaan jos en tee jotain, jos oon vaikka tosi väsynyt. Ja töissä menee hermot, siivoon yhdellä puolella ja yritän mun parhaani, mut tuntuu et aina tullaan sanoo et teitkö ton tee tuo ja tuo. Siis oikeesti en oo mikään kone tai robootti joka on asennettu tekee kaikki. Luullaan mua että teen jokaisen pienen kolon tai nään kaikki pienetkin roskat jota ei edes ihminen nää. Ja sit se ku käy veskissä se on niin paha asia. Heti ollaan et missä oot ja mitä teit. Pitääks heti kertoo et joo olin paskalla. Ja siks kesti. Ja sit tää joka päivänen siivoaminen , omaa aikaa vasta kun on perjantai. Ois mulla yö työ nukkuisin päivät ja oisin yöt töissä. Tuo kanssa ku yritän opiskella hollantia en mä kaikkee opi niinkuin heti siihen menee aikaa. Oon ollu täällä vuoden ja 6kk, kielet on vaikeita mulle. No englanti menee jees mut en mä kaikkee siitäkään tiedä. Ahdistun koko ajan lisää, en tiiä miksi. Sit Timi on koko ajan töissä. Ku sanoo et meen päikkäreille niin tulee et mee aikasemmin nukkumaan. Vaikka menisin niin ei se auta. En tiiä, tuntuu ahdistavalta.
keskiviikko 14. elokuuta 2013


Musta välillä tuntuu että oon tän talon orja, seki ku haluis päikkäreille on rikos. Pitää tehdä pää märkänä töitä aamusta iltaan. 
torstai 11. heinäkuuta 2013


Last Saturday I was in sensation into the wild!
It was amazing party. Next year again of course! :)

keskiviikko 10. heinäkuuta 2013


I feel like being trapped in here, my thoughts are somewhere else. I wish my life would continue more nicer than it is now. I don't know what to do, home maybe I belong in there? I just feel like my life is turning upside down I hope someone could help me. I just don't know should I just end this, I feel like crying myself to sleep. 

xx Melina. 
tiistai 12. maaliskuuta 2013



Today I woke up at 7.50 am and came to downstairs to watch if a washing machine repair man will come but not.
I also today made a creamy cabbage Box (Kermainen Kaalilaatikko in Finnish).
Tim's parents like it a lot. I never made it before. I also been cooking for 3days now. Much fun.
I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow.

Anyways, I will post something tomorrow D:

torstai 7. maaliskuuta 2013

Torstai 7.3.2013

Today I got up at 7.30 am, I was laying in the bed till 8 am.
I ate some breakfast chocolate cereals and milk, then I left with Adri to her husbands work place and were cleaning there for couple hours. Also went to the city hall to get some papers to register me in to this city.

Tomorrow we will bring the papers and I will be citizen  of Boskoop. I live in a big house with 3 floors, and a doggy called House.

Pictures comes later.

I came here Monday. Friday I go bowling with the guys, Tim isn't coming sadly. I miss my mister.
This area is beautiful and quiet. Lots of small rivers.

I wish I could write in Finnish but I can't think anything in Finnish right now. I feel so stupid, I'm Finnish and can't think anything in Finnish. Soon I will be speaking Dutch, today I will be learning some of it.

I know how to say the numbers, I love you, table, blue, etc more :D

I will try write here much as possible, but I'm being really busy now.

xoxo, Mel
keskiviikko 27. helmikuuta 2013

I wish I could rip my head off!

I wish I could rip my head off!

I can't stand my mom she is pissing me off! Like seriously, who can ask you everyday when you are coming home when you are trying to live a life with your loved one. And when your parents can't accept the person that pisses me off too. Seriously I could just write here all day long about my mom how she is making me feel.

One part was funny, when I was going to Miami but the shit went all wrong. I really found out that she is messaging with my ex about it. And she were asking him if she is still interested of me, like what if she is moving to near you and bla bla bla other shit.

Like seriously who's mother still contacts to your ex? It's a fucking ex so please leave him a alone. I am not interested about my ex anymore, I do not care what he do with his life. I been trying to talk with my mom to get me a own apartment IF I come back to Finland, because I do not wanna live with my parents anymore, I'm 21 years old and I think in this age you move out.
Because I don't wanna end like my uncle or my cousins(not for bad, if you are reading this). My uncle is nearly 60ish and still living with his parents which is ridiculous. Or my cousins they are still living there too. I do not wanna end up like that, or maybe I should just move with them too and live like a fucking happy family. NO!

And no I'm not on my period! Just wanting to push these things here maybe someone reads maybe not.
Just I don't know..

My boyfriends parents got me health insurance because my own parents didn't want to help me.
His parents have done to me a lot, bought plane tickets back and forth. Well mine did couple times but they just want me get the cheapest and longest, and no back ticket. Like last Christmas I was going to come with Tim to Finland, but my parents fucking spoiled that too, and they really had to put the damn sauna to small pieces to fix it.

And now they are trying to get me come home because the dogs are waiting for puppies, yes I do love puppies but they should do something for me too. I am not their fucking slave, I feel like that thought.
And my brother who always got everything what he wanted. Playstations, computers, tablets, phones, big tv's etc. I had to buy my own computer and work for it even I didn't like my job that much. Which I quit when I came to The Netherlands.

Like really why me, sometimes I got these bad feelings on my mind, even I think everything is good with me. I live with my buddy and he loves me. But I wish I would get some kind respect from my parents before I do something bad to myself, because of them.

Right now I feel like going to sleep, I been trying to clean but I'm a damn addicted to computer games, yes I said it. Well that wasn't new, been gaming since we got the first Nintendo. And that was like 1999'ish?

I need to get a best friend to share all my bad feelings but I do not have any.

By the way its getting dark outside, I hope Tim comes home soon cause I'm HUNGRY!

Oh well, I been streaming all day talking crap with some Finnish people and playing, soon I need quit cause Tim will grab the computer and I will sit with the lame small laptop.

And my tail bone isn't fixed yet and it hurts when I sit too much on this chair, I get up once a while to get some air.

I wanna get a tattoo. I was thinking to get something about my parents but right now I feel like no I wont.
Something like this (down below)

And then both arm sleeves. I got a lot on mind. Maybe in the future (:

xoxo, Mel ♥

tiistai 26. helmikuuta 2013

Something boring :D


Sorry I haven't post here for while, I actually suck at having a blog.

Well I moved with my boyfriend to Rotterdam, but I will be moving myself to Boskoop.
I'm trying to find a job still no luck :(

And I had stuff going on. I was going to be a Au pair in Miami, Florida. The family sound nice and all, but later my boyfriend found out there is something wrong.
The agency man was called Robert but suddenly all emails was sent by a different person. And Tim was like hey wait a minute.
I didn't notice that first, even I saw it I thought its someone from the office who is also sending messages by name Robert.
So we looked from the internet and we found a lot stuff about this scammer and someone already got scammed by him,  luckily I didn't, I only got emails and I sent him back. We called United States Embassy which is here in The Netherlands, and they told that we need send emails to them about this agency. So we did, and they reported to United States FBI about it. I hope they catch this guy and break his dreams, like he did mine. I was really into go as Au pair to USA, now I don't feel like being Au pair anymore, because of this person.

Anyways, I'm searching for a job still.

It was Petra's Birthday last Friday!
Here some photos.
 We had so much fun, we ate and drink, laugh.

Also Jess had her birthday!
I was also caught in some photos!

What else, nothing else really happen to me. I just miss Arnhem so much, all friends are there.

I have to choose:
  • Go back to Finland
  • Start work in a Greenhouse
  • Start work as Au pair
  • Do nothing

I do not wanna go back to Finland thought, I like to be here but getting a job is really hard.

By the way I started to Stream games in http://www.twitch.tv/worstromance
Please check me out, I might start post here something about my gaming stuff. Haha

xoxo, Mel ♥