I almost lost my boyfriend, cause I fucked up for real. I wish I never did it, I started to feel really bad about it. I told him cause I couldn't keep it inside myself anymore, I had to. Hope nothing like that never happen again. I don't wanna lose my boyfriend, hes my whole world.
Today well tonight I am going to HS(Hardstyle) party Planet Rose presents Marcel Dettmann, going there with Sten and his girlfriend :)
These are going to play at the party: MARCEL DETTMANN + JOCELYN ABELL + Jocelyn Abell + Henning Baer + ESHU + SINAN ALAKUS
I'm really bad writing these blogs, I start I write for month quit. :( Sorry. I just had a lot stuff going on.
I'm also searching for a new job, cause I really don't wanna just work for one day a week. And I have no taste anymore to work in the bar.
And because my math sucks horrible.
Oh and in October I had my birthday party, no pictures well, I have one of the cocktails we got with Tim :)
Sorry about the quality of the photo, it's taken with my phone.
We got 2 bottles of this from a Bar owner Niels :) Thanks Niels.
I don't know what else to write, I try write again tomorrow.
xoxo, Melina